Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 196 Ghana is ranked as a very peaceful country and we all know election times can be rough, emotional, and at times violent and dangerous. However, this year one will expect to see a number of models execute a peace march/walk on the 3rd of December courtesy of MODUGA (Models Union Of Ghana) titled, the modelling Industry Peace Walk. The peace walk will be executed in the same week at the elections which will be on the 7th of December. Some feel the tension may be to high to come out. In fact usually at this time there are regulation to prevent public events from being executed. However, in the name of peace it is very unlikely any harmful acts will be executed. Last week, members of MODUGA arranged a peace walk of in Upper East Region Of Ghana. MODUGA is a union in Ghana which has branded itself with the slogan ‘Voice of The Modeling Industry’ was set up various agents in Ghana with a purpose to challenge unfair payments of models in Ghana. The union operates through a serious of whatsapp groups and now with an office in Kanda. MODUGA model on the runway at the Upper East’s Peace Walk Fashion ShowViolence during Ghana election times has not only been limited to fights errupting out of political disagreements, but more recently rumours have spread surrounding witchcraft and rituals at which it is believed people have been kidnapped and sacrificed to witch doctors in order for various entities to support their candidates to win. Although there has been no formal story proving such, The general belief is that such acts may not be generally linked to the official candidates but other beneficiaries of their party. So our advice for all especially young girls when outing at night. 1/ Never travel alone. 2/ When boarding any public transport, always snap and send the number plate to an associate. 3/ Never drink too much, never leave your drink and return to it and do not accept a drink from a stranger. To be extra safe from anyone. For more information on the walk, click here. Ghana Model Stories electionsghanamodelsmodugapeace walk Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail Nana Tamakloe Founder of and Accra Fashion Week. I'm grateful you visited, I hope you share, subscribe and share your comments or opinions below. More For You Embrace Yourself For Our Digital’s 20th Issue Fashion Cover ‘Afromance Unleashed’ Feat Emelia... The Other Side of Body Shaming: The Unspoken Struggles of Slim Models in... New Year, New Vision: A 2025 Guide for Fashion Designers & Creatives By... Check Out The Top 10 Runways Models That Rocked Accra Fashion Week 2024 Yoonek by Haddy Sets A New Wave In Ghanaian Style Merging Culture with... “It Was Unfortunate There Wasn’t A Ceremony At The Show” – Face Of... Miss Cote d’Ivorie Beauty Pageant Bans Weaves & Wigs From The Competition; Natural... VIDEO: Kanye West’s Wife Bianca Censori Parades Herself With Little To No Clothes... How UK and US Guests Are Scamming Ghanaian Businesses with Chargebacks During ‘Detty... VIDEOS: Congolese Women & Children Celebrate As M23 Freedom Fighters Liberate Their Towns