Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 465 Having stunning and healthy hair every single day is every girls dream, but it’s quite tough to achieve due to the busy and rushed routines. If you hate the unruly frizzy bounce and rough texture of your hair then this post is just for you! Not taking more than just a few minutes of yours, here are 10 awesome yet super-easy hair hacks that are hopefully going to change the way you look and feel when it comes to your hair. NO BRUSHING When detangling your hair, use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb instead of a brush to prevent breakage and preserve the shape of your curls. A normal brush would separate all the hair and make it look frizzy and rough. SHAMPOO+CONDITIONER=CLEANSING CONDITIONER More Articles You Would Love Stefania Morland @ Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2013 – Cape Town, South Africa (Day 3) Orijin Adds Much More Romance In Various Series Of Campaign Images Making Their Bags A ‘Must Have’ Mix a small amount of sulphate-free shampoo with a lot of conditioner to make your own cleansing conditioner, which gently washes while it deeply moisturizes. Apply the mixture to the crown of your head and thoroughly massage it into your scalp, focusing on just the roots (since this area is oilier) and letting it rinse toward the ends after a few minutes. This will clean your hair without stripping all the natural oils, which causes dry, brittle hair. DON’T RINSE OUT ALL CONDITIONER For better curls, don’t rinse out the conditioner that you apply on your hair. Instead, just stand under the water for a few seconds and allow the conditioners to run through your hair as a leave-in cream. This provides a much better texture for hair curls. PINEAPPLE METHOD Before you sleep, tie your hair on the top like a high pony tail but on the crown. Make sure it is not very tight to cause sore scalp. Putting your hair in a high ponytail on the top of your head will help save your curls from the dreaded “bed head”. You may look silly going to bed, but you’ll wake up with naturally gorgeous curls. TRY CO-WASHING Co-washing is nothing but washing your hair with only conditioner. You may not use any shampoo at all and use just the conditioner (or any cleansing conditioner) for cleaning your hair. your hair may feel oily for few days after you ditch shampoo but gradually you will find your hair smooth, silky and with well-defined curls. T-SHIRT Instead of using a rough towel to dry your hair, try an old t-shirt. The material is softer which will reduce frizz and breakage. Gently wrap the end of your hair in the shirt and squeeze out the excess water. You may also wrap your hair with a t-shirt and keep it for 15-20 minutes to let it soak all the water followed by air-drying. SATIN PILLOWS Change your regular cotton pillow covers to satin ones. All that tossing and turning in your sleep can do some real damage to your luxurious locks. A satin or silk pillowcase will protect your curls all night long. You will no longer wake up to frizzy or flat hair. THE NO-POO METHOD Curly hair is usually dry and shampoo strips the hair of its natural oils. Use apple cider vinegar as a final rinse after washing hair with baking soda. You may follow up with a conditioner for smoother locks. APPLY CONDITIONER BEFORE SHOWER Before stepping into the shower, apply a deep conditioner to your hair, tuck it into a shower cap, and wash your body before washing your hair as normal. The steam from the shower will help lock in moisture. RIGHT COMBING When combing or brushing your hair, gradually move upward instead of starting at the roots. It’s much easier to comb through knots at the ends first. beautycurly hairhackshair and beautyHAIR HACKShair tips Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail Naa More For You The Other Side of Body Shaming: The Unspoken Struggles of Slim Models in... New Year, New Vision: A 2025 Guide for Fashion Designers & Creatives By... Check Out The Top 10 Runways Models That Rocked Accra Fashion Week 2024 Yoonek by Haddy Sets A New Wave In Ghanaian Style Merging Culture with... “It Was Unfortunate There Wasn’t A Ceremony At The Show” – Face Of... Miss Cote d’Ivorie Beauty Pageant Bans Weaves & Wigs From The Competition; Natural... VIDEO: Kanye West’s Wife Bianca Censori Parades Herself With Little To No Clothes... How UK and US Guests Are Scamming Ghanaian Businesses with Chargebacks During ‘Detty... VIDEOS: Congolese Women & Children Celebrate As M23 Freedom Fighters Liberate Their Towns INTERVIEW: “From Escaping The Russia/Ukraine War To Modeling At Accra Fashion Week” Meet...